Which programming language should you learn? Beginners guide

Which programming language should you learn? Beginners guide

When you first dive into the world of programming languages you might feel overwhelmed with the choices. What should you learn? Well, it depends... Before choosing what programming language to start learning you must first decide what you want to make/develop. Here is my opinion on what programming language would be great for which projects.

  1. AAA Game Development - If your objective is to create large-scale games from scratch or use things like UE5, then C++ is your programming language to learn. C++ is the industry standard for creating games. It's a programming language that is harder to learn compared to other languages however, it offers so much flexibility and power like no other language. If you learn this language, every other language will be a lot easier to learn.

  2. Web development - If your objective is to create websites then Javascript is the one for you. However, before learning JS you have to learn HTML and CSS as they are the base of websites. Once you learn all these you can create websites for businesses, games or your personal projects. Learning web development is probably the quickest way to start making money as a developer. Once you learn the basics you can start making websites for businesses and charging them for your work.

  3. AI - If all you want to do is create AI and Machine learning then python is the way to go. Python is the most beginner-friendly programming language to learn. However, that doesn't mean it's not powerful. Python is one of the best languages to learn for AI and machine learning as it provides so many libraries to start making your AI as soon as possible.

Conclusion- There are so many great languages out there that I have not mentioned however, I feel like these languages are the best idea to learn for the type of projects that you want to make.